Fiscal Contable Área Jurídica Mercantil Laboral Audit


“Being a solid firm that is capable of transmitting confidence and maximum quality in the service, thanks to the excellence of the people who integrate it.


“Giving the customer the service of multinational firm with the warmth of the personal treatment”.

“The excellence not only lies in the quality but in the near treatment and the continuous improvement of the efficiency. ”

EmErgE Sales Dept.


EmErgE is a FIRM born from offices with a solid reputation and implantation in the market since more than 40 years ago.

“The firm that grows from the hand of their customers”

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The team is composed by specialists proceeding and of the level of the great firms market leaders.

And in turn the long trajectory of the professionals proceeding from the offices is added where the service is highly personalized and near to the customer.


Red de Despachos de EMERGE